“I just wanted to thank you Joanne for the amazing self-defense course that you provide. My 17 year old daughter took your class with 2 of her friends and it was the best thing she’s ever done! I’ve seen such a transformation in her confidence, the way that she expresses herself and stands up for herself in all different relationships. She has set clear boundaries with her friends, with her boyfriend and just today with a boy who was acting completely inappropriately and getting away with it. But she shut him down and is now following up with her teacher. She’s also used her new language in her job/volunteer work. Your course was life changing for her. As her mom, I thank you sincerely!
“Your tools were simple and easy to remember and your thought process on the “why’s” of why we find ourselves in certain situations was very clear. Loved the clothes line!”
“Just a little ‘Thank You’ from all of us gals! Your class ignited a lot of conversation on the drive home. And many more to come. We thought you were clear, informative, and definitely a confidence builder for both the moms and the daughters. Having us all in a group setting was safe for the girls but really comforting for the moms to bring up topics we definitely talk about at home…but awesome to hear girls talk about it and moms reassured that their own peers are feeling the same way is priceless. “
“Thank you thank you thank you. What an experience! You are a marvel.” Another remarked, “This class didn’t stop at the end of the day. It opened up productive, life-changing conversations in our home.”
“My daughter was in your class on Sunday morning and I wanted to let you know how much she and her friend enjoyed it and found it invaluable. When I got them in the car to drive home, they didn’t shut their mouths. She showed me many of the moves after we got home and was totally psyched. Thank you so much – I am a middle school counselor and one thing that is crucial for me is to help young women feel empowered. You certainly did that for my daughter – thanks so much for what you do.”
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