You Are Not Perfect: Reason #5 Why Rape is Under-Reported
Today’s not-so-news is that the prosecutor’s office is going to ask to have the sexual abuse charges against Dominique Strauss Kahn dismissed.
Read all about it:
Their issue is that the plaintiff was not completely honest about aspects of her past.
However, none of the lies that diminish her credibility had anything to do with the facts of this case.
So, ladies, this has some serious repercussions for us all. Did you ever lie, even a little, about how many calories that “sliver” of cheescake had? Or about how much you spent on that outfit? Did you ever exaggerate, ever so slightly, about your last vacation or last night’s date? Sure these may have seemed harmless at the time, but your credibility is now totally, irrevocably, damaged should you ever have the need to press charges of rape.
And guess what else? A number of rapists actually seek out potential victims who would make less credible plaintiffs.
Learn how to better prevent rape, as well as get better DNA evidence, in a self-defense class.