Make Friends and Influence the State Budget
Participate in King County’s Domestic Violence Lobby Day on Thursday, February 4. Three weeks ago Governor Gregoire released her proposed budget for 2010. The good new is that funding for core DV and SA services is intact; the bad news is that there are huge cuts to many critical services that low income people, including many battered women and their children, depend on for their survival. Come to Domestic Violence Lobby Day in Olympia and share your voice!
Lobby day begins with a briefing at 9:30am with staff from the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, who will give detailed information about this year’s DV legislative priorities, pending legislation, talking points, and informational handouts. They will provide packets tailored for your legislative district and include information about your legislators. WSCADV will provide a free lunch at noon. The afternoon is spent meeting with your legislators. These meetings will likely be in small groups with other DV advocates, survivors and allies who also live in your district. Most groups wrap up their meetings with legislators between 3-4pm. (If you are unable to attend on February 4, 2010, the STATEWIDE lobby day is February 26, 2010. Check for more information.)
HOW TO REGISTER: Register on-line at by JANUARY 18, 2010. You MUST provide your name, legislative district, and email and phone number.