Compare and Contrast: Unwanted Penetrations and Pete DeGraaf
Seems that Kansas State House Rep. Pete DeGraaf is having trouble telling a flat tire from a rape.
The Kansas legislature passed a bill banning insurance companies from offering abortion coverage as part of their general coverage (women who would want that coverage would have to buy that separately). During the debate, Rep. Barbara Bollier “questioned whether women would buy abortion-only policies long before they have crisis or unwanted pregnancies or are rape victims.” (As we already know, insurance companies just love to cover “pre-existing conditions.”) Fellow Rep. DeGraaf replied that women should plan ahead for situations such as rape; after all, he plans ahead and carries a spare in his car. Just in case his tire is violently and unwantedly penetrated.
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While there is nothing wrong with planning ahead for unwanted situations in life (that is what a SIGNIFICANT part of self-defense training is about), Rep DeGraaf’s comparison is totally bogus. Do we ask people to similarly plan ahead for heart disease, by forcing them to buy separate insurance? How about car accidents – will I need to purchase ER coverage because by law it can’t be included in my general medical policy?
The real point is not about planning, it is clearly a blatant attack on women’s abilities to control their own health care, particularly reproductive care. One of the oldest power ploys in the book. Don’t fall for this one.