Blast from the (Recent) Past
This afternoon I taught a class for tween girls (and a mom or two), and afterwards one mom and I were talking about this “blaming the victim” of rape nonsense. She mentioned that one of her friends, many years ago, was raped right after her high school graduation. The girls was at home in bed, and a robber with a gun broke into the house. He raped her. The police later asked her what she was wearing.
I remembered a speaker from the 2011 Seattle SlutWalk with the same story. I asked if the women spoke at SlutWalk and the mom said yes. Got the speaker’s name, found her on YouTube, and here she is, just as I remembered.
If you do not see a video here, or it is not playable on your device, you can view it directly on YouTube.
And the most important takeaway is that she was raped because a rapist made a choice to commit rape. True then, true now. True always.